list sign-up information:

Interested in environmental issues facing the New Jersey Highlands? Want to know what’s going on throughout the Highlands, but you can’t possibly scan all the news sources each and every day for items of local and national importance to our region? Its time to “Get Wired” with the NJ Highlands News!

A free, e-mail-based newsletter is available to help keep you informed. “NJ Highlands News” is a summary of New Jersey Highlands and other Highlands-related environmental news stories. It is sent out six times weekly – weekday mornings and once during the weekend.

To join follow these easy steps:

1.  Go to and click the “Subscribe” link in the middle of the left hand column.

2.  A  pop-up will ask you if you “really want to subscribe to list news_njhighlands”?  If yes, then Click “OK.”

3. A sign-up page will appear.  On it, enter your name and e-mail address and then click “Submit.”

4. You will be directed to a page that says: “You requested a subscription to list news_njhighlands.  To confirm your identity and prevent anyone from subscribing you to this list against your will, a conformation message is being sent to you.  Check you mailbox for new messages and reply to the confirmation request in order to complete your subscription to news_njhighlands.” 

This is to confirm your identity and prevent anyone from subscribing you to this list against your will.  Check your mailbox for new messages and follow the instructions with a reply to the conformation request in order to complete your subscription to the news_njhighlands list.

(Note: If your email provider or email client application uses spam protection, you may also want to "whitelist" for approval the addresses " " and " " to ensure daily delivery is not blocked by spam-protection software.)

5. Finally, AND THIS PART IS IMPORTANT, send an email to with your name, group affiliation and home town.  This will help track who the list is reaching, and create a data base of subscribers.  If no email containing your contact information in received within a week, your subscription request will not be approved.

Once the list moderator approves your request (usually within 12 hours or less), you will receive a “Welcome” message and start receiving your daily updates. 

If you have questions, experience any difficulties in the subscription process, or do not begin receiving the regular emails within two days, send an email to the list moderator, Scott Olson, at