Garden Update: Bring on the radishes!

“A tiny radish of passionate scarlet, tipped modestly in white.” — Clementine Paddleford

‘Radish’ is the word at the end of the sixth week of the 2013 garden season. Big bunches of French Breakfast Radish, Pink Beauty Radish, Cherry Belle Radish, and a couple Short Top Icicle White Radish. Getting an early jump on preparing […]

Friday Cow Blogging: Cows Meet Mom

The Hudson Farm West herd of black Aberdeen Angus cattle meet Mom at the Roseville Community Garden.

Mom, meet cows.

Words may or may not have been spoken to the cattle. I’m just saying. They do seem to be wondering “What the heck are these radish sandwiches that this crazy lady is talking […]

Garden Update: Looking Good After Five Weeks!

In order to live off a garden, you practically have to live in it. ~Frank McKinney Hubbard

Plot 63, Roseville Community Garden on Sunday, May 26, 2013 (Click photo for larger image.)

Memorial Day weekend, five full weeks since Plot #63 at Roseville Community Garden was planted, and the garden’s progress is […]

Friday Cow Blogging

Because the ‘wildest’ thing she is used to seeing are Segways on blacktop, I’m posting a panoply of black Aberdeen Angus cattle in fields of green for an urban-dwelling Twitter friend. OK, @RWRenfrew, here’s the beef!

This year’s herd is out grazing in the fields surrounding Roseville Community Garden, and are quite entertaining to watch […]

Once again, weather means more when you have a garden…

As I learned very quickly last year, when you have a garden, you are often at the mercy of Mother Nature. This was true again in the very early morning hours of Tuesday, May 14, 2013.

On Sunday, May 12, the National Weather Service had issued a frost advisory for the area on Monday morning. […]

Finally! Springtime, and the garden is planted!

May 4th was the ‘official’ Opening Day at the Roseville Community Garden, and I’ve got my plot 95% complete!

I was anxious to get a jump on the season, so on April 6th – the first Saturday the garden was open for ‘pre-season’ activity – I arrived bright & early, hauled in a half dozen […]

Garden Update: Not all lost in July storms

Yikes! It’s already Labor Day weekend. Where did August go?

A crazy August schedule with a client job has kept my “free time” for blogging to a minimum, and thus it’s been more than a month since my last garden update post. So there’s some serious catching up to do.

The first “replant” after the […]

Garden Update: It’s raining again…

Woke up to a seasonably warm, muggy, mid-summer Saturday morning.

Grabbed a cup of coffee, “opened office” under the patio umbrella and finished up some client work left over from the week. I had every intention of doing this and a few household chores before heading down to the garden to weed and finish trimming […]