We give thanks…

Many small people, who in many small places, do many small things, can alter the face of the world. — Adage from the Xhosa of South Africa

Many of us in the Highlands have had a difficult run-up to the holiday. Hurricane Sandy hit us with an ugly punch-to-the-gut on October 29th, testing our […]

Promised Land: What the frack?

A big tip of the hat to my friend Kathleen Sutcliffe (@justlikeatree on Twitter) for her Earthjustice unEarthed Blog post (click here) on the trailer for Promised Land, a feature film directed by Gus Van Sant and starring Matt Damon that depicts the effects of the fracking boom on a small town. Here’s the trailer:


Environmentalism vs. Sustainability

[Editors note: This piece originally ran as the lead article in the April 14, 2012 NJ Highlands News email newsletter, and is being posted “retroactively” to the blog on August 2, 2012, since it did not post as intended at the time it was written. With apologies for that oversight.]

I’m straying a little from […]