Coming to Waterloo Village on Sunday for the ‘Feast on History’ program? Bring a coat.

No, not for yourself (although the weather for Sunday looks seasonably cool) but for someone less fortunate. My friend Andrea Proctor, the Resource Interpretive Specialist at Historic Waterloo Village posted this on their Facebook page shortly after I posted the announcement for the Feast on History program to this blog: Waterloo Village We had […]

Never doubt: Remembering Peggy Snyder

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

——- Original Message ——– Subject: engineer who may be able to help Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 17:17:21 -0500 From: Peggy Snyder <deleted> To: Scott Olson <deleted […]

Two words: Freakin’ awesome!

This is what honesty, hard work, and thoughtful public policy gets you! Congrats Jimmy & Marie – so proud of you guys tonight! Onward, friends!

In Byram Township, a clear choice on November 5th

“Look well to the characters and qualifications of those you elect and raise to office and places of trust.” — Matthias Burnett, Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Norwalk, An Election Sermon, Preached at Hartford, on the Day of the Anniversary Election, May 12, 1803

Byram residents have the right and responsibility to go […]

It’s crunch time in Byram Township

Oscovitch & Raffay for Byram Township Home page

There’s an important election coming up here in my home town, and I’m proudly, strongly supporting my two friends, incumbent Mayor Jim Oscovitch and incumbent Deputy Mayor Marie Raffay. While they each have two competitors, there is no other candidate who even comes close to […]

Four more years, please!

I just received this press release from my good friends and fellow Byram Township elected officials Jim Oscovitch and Marie Raffay, and I am thrilled beyond words. Two of the most honest, sincere, hard working people you could ever meet! I’m proud to call them my friends and look forward to supporting their efforts in […]

‘Star Spangled Banjo at the Grand Canyon’ via Josh Fox (@gaslandmovie)

Star Spangled Banjo at the Grand Canyon from JFOX on Vimeo.

Remembering Ella Filippone

“…the river is a toxic disgrace that needs to be cleaned up. ‘It’s government at its worst,’ she said.” — New York Times, July 12, 2009

Ella Filippone(1935-2013)

I’m going to get right to the point here. That’s how Ella would have wanted it.

Ella Filippone was one tough broad, not afraid to […]