“Like water off a duck’s back…”

“I’m going to take a look one more time…”

“…I’m not going to see this again.”

For me, these 30 seconds say as much about the man as his entire 18-minute Inaugural speech. And the speech was incredible!

His face goes from pensive to a glowing, knowing smile with a twinkle in his eyes. Watch.

“You and I, as citizens, have the power […]

We give thanks…

Many small people, who in many small places, do many small things, can alter the face of the world. — Adage from the Xhosa of South Africa

Many of us in the Highlands have had a difficult run-up to the holiday. Hurricane Sandy hit us with an ugly punch-to-the-gut on October 29th, testing our […]

“We are at a crossroads”

McGovern as Food for Peace director in 1961, with President John F. Kennedy.

“I always thought of myself as a good old South Dakota boy who grew up here on the prairie,” he said in an interview for this obituary in 2005 in his home in Mitchell. “My dad was a […]

Godspeed, Neil Armstrong

“It’s a great honor and privilege for us to be here representing not only the United States but men of peace of all nations, men with interests and a curiosity and men with a vision for the future.” – Neil Armstrong, speaking from the lunar surface to President Richard Nixon on July 20, 1969.