“Like water off a duck’s back…”

Promised Land: What the frack?

A big tip of the hat to my friend Kathleen Sutcliffe (@justlikeatree on Twitter) for her Earthjustice unEarthed Blog post (click here) on the trailer for Promised Land, a feature film directed by Gus Van Sant and starring Matt Damon that depicts the effects of the fracking boom on a small town. Here’s the trailer:


Musconetcong Watershed Association’s 5th ‘Annual Meet the River’ in Byram Township!

An environmental education experience for children (and adults!), to be presented by the Musconetcong Watershed Association on Saturday, August 4, 2012.

Musconetcong River at Byram Riverside Park. Photo by Beth Styler Barry

Come out and get your feet wet!

Date: Saturday, August 4, 2012 Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Place: Byram Township’s […]

New Jersey Highlands News in financial drought

Good day, Highlanders.

It’s that time again. You know, that moment that I dread every year: “How in the heck am I going to keep the New Jersey Highlands News project alive for another year while paying my mortgage and other bills?”

Sadly, funding is again looking scarce for this project, so for the […]

Wrongs done in the darkness of ignorance and unbelief

April 29, 2012 By Scott Olson

“The wrongs done to trees, wrongs of every sort, are done in the darkness of ignorance and unbelief, for when the light comes, the heart of the people is always right.” –John Muir

This past year has seemed hellish for many of us involved with the protection of the […]

Do you live in New Jersey and drink water?

If so, this video is something you should watch. Now. If you don’t live in New Jersey (or don’t drink water) watch it anyway.

From our friends at the New Jersey Highlands Coalition. I can’t say it enough: Everybody benefits from clean water!

Act NOW! NPS Decision on Susquehanna-Roseland Power Line This Month!

Photo courtesy Bill Wolfe ©2012

The National Park Service (NPS) is expected to announce its “preferred alternative” for the Susquehanna-Roseland transmission line by the end of March. The transmission line which runs across the Delaware River and Appalachian Trail and through the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area is slated for a major […]

When Did Environmental Protection Become New Jersey’s Public Enemy Number One?

Special Guest Commentary

By William Honachefsky Sr., P.L.S., P.P., QEP

The intensity at which the State’s legislators and Governor’s office seem driven to destroy (See especially Senate Bill S3156 and Assembly Bill A4335) or at the least emasculate, 41 years of the State’s hard won environmental protection laws, rules and regulations is not only unsettling, […]