NJ Highlands Council a Good Ol’ Boys Club: An Open Letter

Dear NJ Sierra Club, NJ Highlands Coalition and anyone else opposing the bad New Jersey Highlands Council nominees:

Thank you for putting out your action alerts regarding the terrible nominations made by Governor Christie to the New Jersey Highlands Council. (See here and here if you have not already done so). I suggest anyone concerned with the Highlands take action as suggested by these two groups.

Just one question though, as you guys are missing one of the biggest points to this whole controversy…one that will hit home to many NJ residents and make your points even more valid.

Should the NJ Highlands Council become a good ol’ boys club? Why no women or minorities appointed by the Gov. Christie? If all the Governor’s nominations are approved, the Council will be composed completely of middle-aged (or older!) white males! Let’s show a little diversity here please, Gov. Christie!

There is much traction to be had from that argument alone – why aren’t you taking advantage of the opportunity?

Call me curious,

Scott Olson

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