Coming to Waterloo Village on Sunday for the ‘Feast on History’ program? Bring a coat.

Jersey Cares 19th Annual Coat Drive
No, not for yourself (although the weather for Sunday looks seasonably cool) but for someone less fortunate. My friend Andrea Proctor, the Resource Interpretive Specialist at Historic Waterloo Village posted this on their Facebook page shortly after I posted the announcement for the Feast on History program to this blog:
Waterloo Village
We had a NJ public school cancel their field trip to Waterloo Village today because the children did not have coats to wear. It is a harsh reality that has touched the entire staff and Waterloo community. In an effort to “be the change” we hope we can help an existing charity with their annual coat drive. We will be collecting coats on Sunday November 23rd at our Feast on History program at Waterloo Village and we will volunteer our time to coordinate the delivery of all donated coats to Jersey Cares.

This really made an impression on me. I don’t think twice about being able to throw on a jacket and gloves when I run out in this crazy cold weather. But there are children right here in our state who aren’t able to do this. Children who just this week missed out on an incredible learning experience because their families are unable to afford basic necessities that many of us take for granted daily.

Andrea has done an incredible job to re-establish school tours through Winakung at Waterloo for the past several years, and Waterloo Village now hosts over 200 children per day in their history education program. They “educate and engage current and future generations with interactive, hands-on fact based learning,”  and “preserve, honor, and respect the history of New Jersey by presenting it in an unbiased setting based on actual information.”  It is an opportunity that every child in New Jersey should be afforded. There is no reason a child growing up in America in 2014 should be deprived of this experience because their family can’t afford winter clothing.

 If you are coming to Historic Waterloo Village for the ‘Feast on History‘ program, do as Andrea suggests and ‘be the change.’ Please bring a child’s coat along for the Jersey Cares Coat Drive.

Jersey Cares logo

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