Garden Selfie In The Rain – June 27, 2015

I can’t really put my finger on the reason, but this is one of the few times in recent years that I am actually pleased with a picture of myself. Maybe it’s because I actually look happy in it?

Garden Selfie In The Rain

Garden Selfie In The Rain – June 27, 2015

It was a blustery, rainy, 55º F day and I was feeling unmotivated. I just really needed to get lost in the garden. So I did, wandering around checking up on progress in everyone else’s plots. Mentally chastising those neighbors with weed-choked plots, while feeling gloatingly proud of my near-spotless 15’x15′ slice of heaven. I felt pangs of jealousy over tomato plants with baseball-sized green fruit, knowing they’ll have red, juicy, vine-ripe orbs of sweetness before I do. With the much-needed, all-day rain looking likely to wash away any possibility of a Northern New Jersey drought, things were looking pretty good overall in Plot #63 at Roseville Community Garden.

Plenty of reason to be happy, feel relaxed and enjoy a walk in the cool, damp early summer rain. Yup, summer’s here. I can get used to this.

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