The 2015 garden season continues strong – and wet, and hot! Weather all year has been nearly perfect, if anything maybe a little too wet, especially this week. A freak downpour Thursday night dumped over two inches of rain in a couple of hours on the already wet garden. Mix in a little wind with 5-foot tomato plants, and you have all the ingredients for a tomato disaster.
The fall crops – the Bolero carrots, Nero Tondo radishes, summer squash, green beans, beets, dill, Carioca lettuce and kohlrabi are planted and sprouting already! The hot, damp weather has helped with that. Once again, Thursday’s thunderstorms made the soil too muddy to plant, so the last rows of cherry bell radishes continue to be put on hold. At least they are quick growing and there’s plenty of season left for two more crops.
It was another good week for harvesting and preserving, as these photos show. Stocking up with #JerseyFresh Summer goodness for the winter, this weekend’s theme was: Yes. We. Canned.