The ‘2015 Tomato Season’ officially comes to an end

Plot #63, Roseville Community Garden, October 10, 2015.
The ‘before’ above, the ‘after’ below. The tomato season came to an end, as I pulled what remained of the plants that had been so productive this summer. The fall crop of radishes were also harvested. The remaining green ‘maters (see pic further below) are going to become a green tomato relish later today.

Plot #63, Roseville Community Garden, October 10, 2015, post tomato plant removal and radish harvest.
The season is definitely winding down. We had our first ‘frost warning’ Saturday night, and it looks like we may get a freeze early next week. But the first few weeks of fall have seen incredible weather, so I can hardly complain. It’s been a great year in the garden, and there’s still plenty of produce left to be harvested before the November 1 closing date. Swiss chard, lettuce, rosemary, parsley, Nero Tondo radishes, beets, green beans, and peppers. Lots of peppers: jalapeno, habanero, and bell peppers are plentiful. And believe it or not, the plants are still flowering! From the looks of things, there are only three more ‘Garden Update’ posts left this year, but there will still be a harvest of plenty in them!
Meanwhile, here are a few shots of the harvest this week – and a rustic, home-made-from-scratch pizza using all my garden goodies, proving that all this hard work pays of in some spectacular, tasty treats!

A radish the size of a hand grenade? Yup. It’s a Nero Tondo radish from Johnny’s Seeds, and delicious!

Red radishes, lettuce, green tomatoes and assorted peppers from this weekend’s harvest at plot #63, Roseville Community Garden.