This is it. A deep freeze two nights in a row has ended the 2015 gardening season here in the Northwest foothills of New Jersey.
Welcome to the final ‘Garden Update’ of 2015. I’m sure I’ll do a “greatest hits” summary of the season in the coming weeks, but this will be the last weekly update of the year.
A big change in the weather brought about a change in plans. The garden is open until November 1, and it’s been possible to grow that late in years past, but a high pressure system parked over the Midwest began streaming the first really cold air down across the Mid-Atlantic, and temperatures were forecast to drop below freezing overnight on Saturday and Sunday nights. Did they ever: 25ºF Sunday morning and 22ºF Monday morning.
My goal for the week was to begin clearing out anything cold-sensitive before Saturday night; all peppers, lettuce, chard, green beans, parsley, and rosemary. And was there ever a lot to harvest this week! See the images below for the bounty of the garden since my last post. I left the last carrots and radishes in the ground, figuring they wouldn’t be hurt and if the forecast was wrong, they’d get a little more growing time. The forecast was wrong – the temperature dropped much lower overnight. I went back Sunday morning to gather them up and close up the plot for the year.
It was sad seeing the garden empty of anything living, a return to how it looked back in April. Despite the cold and wind, I took a few minutes to sit and reflect on all the bounty it had produced this year. As I gathered my things together to leave, the skies opened and a blustery snow squall blew across the farm, a fitting farewell to a tremendous season in the garden.
On the bright side, the 2016 gardening season is only 164 days away.