Bob Karp is a friend of mine, an award-winning photo-journalist retired from Morristown’s The Daily Record, and now living in North Carolina. You may know him for his iconic image of the ‘Jet Star’ roller coaster in Seaside Heights after Hurricane Sandy.
His Twitter thread from January 3, 2021 is a thing of beauty, and sums up the current state of my mind towards the ‘Giant Orange Turd’ perfectly.
If you are on Twitter, it starts at:
If not, it is summarized below. Many thanks, @BobKarpDR.
Thread: 1/6 This is an outtake that I (until today) refused to publish because I felt it was “disrespectful.” Today I couldn’t take any more. For over 4 years, Ive been disgusted by his lies, inhumane policies against migrant children, people of color, LGBTQ community, Muslims…
2) …disabled people, women, science, the ACA, only matched by his love of dictators & disdain of our allies. Add that to his impotent COVID response, tear gassing peaceful protesters for a photo-op..this guy actually ALTERED a Dorian trajectory map w a Sharpie because he misspoke.
3) He unapologetically pardons war criminals. He is a pandemic super spreader that has probably killed tens of thousands (of HIS supporters), he discussed imposing martial law after refusing to accept the results of a free and fair election…
4) Trump and his ilk failed to successfully suppress the votes of Democrats, their only move is to scream fraud and shout about insane conspiracy theories while failing in court after court with not a single incident of voter fraud proven in scores of lawsuits…
5) Sadly, the worst is yet to come because the day Congress is scheduled to meet to finalize the result of the 2020 presidential election, (an election that was won by Joe Biden in a landslide) the President of the United States actively looks to incite chaos and encourage…
6) …violence, inviting his rabid followers to DC to sow chaos. He’s a failed despot, an autocrat who’s fueled by power hungry Republicans 2 weak, shameless & cowardly to stand up for what they know is right. He golfed while thousands died. I’ve got zero F**ks left. you lost, move on