Garden Update: Garden 2.0, Post-Storm Reboot

In light of  the damage done to Plot 63 at Roseville Community Garden by the July 18th hail-storm, I replanted about half the area of the garden on the afternoon of Sunday, July 22. A chance to “reboot” the plot, take advantage of some of the things I learned already this year, and salvage the remainder of the growing season. I was up for the challenge, and with 3-hours prep & planting, Garden 2.0 emerged.

With no live plants left at any local or chain garden shops, I was relegated to planting from seeds (and some, ugh, are …Martha Stewart Living seeds, although most were Ferry-Morse). And I wanted to be sure that what I planted had time to mature in the last half of the season. Given the success I had with the Cherry Belle Radishes, I planted about 10-feet (2 – 5-ft rows) of them, as well as 10-feet of  Sparkler Radishes. Also about 15-feet of Detroit Dark Red Morse’s Strain Beets, 6-feet of Ruby Red Swiss Chard (a new favorite recipe of mine to follow in another post this week), and one new hill of each of Cucumbers, Black Beauty Summer Squash, and Early Prolific Straightneck Squash.

As I’m writing this on the evening of July 23, we’re experiencing our second wave of massive thunderstorms of the day. Hopefully, the heavy rains won’t wash out the newly planted seeds (a case of deja-vu to what happened earlier this year?) and get them off to a happy, healthy start. Time will tell. So below is the new baseline “Garden 2.0” picture taken Sunday, July 22, 2012.

The Garden 2.0 Baseline photo, taken Sunday, July 22, 2012.

The Garden 2.0 Baseline photo, taken Sunday, July 22, 2012.

And below the jump is a pictorial look back at the weekly progress since May 19, 2012 until what we’ll now call “half-time” on the 2012 garden season.

The "baseline" shot of the plot at start of the season. May 19, 2012

The “baseline” shot of the plot at start of the season. May 19, 2012

May 26, 2012

May 26, 2012

Garden plot on June 3, 2012, two weeks after planting

Garden plot on June 3, 2012, two weeks after planting

Garden plot on June 9, 2012

June 9, 2012 photo shows the current status of my Roseville Community Garden plot.

Plot #63 on June 15, 2012

Rains bring radishes. And more weeds! This June 15, 2012 photo shows the status of my Roseville Community Garden plot.

Plot 63, Roseville Community Garden on July 2, 2012.

Plot 63, Roseville Community Garden on July 2, 2012. The empty area on the left is the now vacated radish patch.


Plot 63 at Roseville Community Garden, taken Sunday, July 8, 2012 – 50 days since planting.


Plot 63, Roseville Community Garden on July 14, 2012. Day 56 since planting.


The standard view of Plot 63 that you’ve become accustomed to seeing in my weekly updates, morning of July 20, 2012. This time, things aren’t looking quite so good.


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