Promised Land: What the frack?

A big tip of the hat to my friend Kathleen Sutcliffe (@justlikeatree on Twitter) for her Earthjustice unEarthed Blog post (click here) on the trailer for Promised Land, a feature film directed by Gus Van Sant and starring Matt Damon that depicts the effects of the fracking boom on a small town. Here’s the trailer:


Musconetcong Watershed Association’s 5th ‘Annual Meet the River’ in Byram Township!

An environmental education experience for children (and adults!), to be presented by the Musconetcong Watershed Association on Saturday, August 4, 2012.

Musconetcong River at Byram Riverside Park. Photo by Beth Styler Barry

Come out and get your feet wet!

Date: Saturday, August 4, 2012 Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Place: Byram Township’s […]

Thursday April 26, 2012 is “Poem In Your Pocket” Day

I was e-conversing with a good friend tonight – someone whom I admire and respect and do not see often enough – and she mentioned that tomorrow is “Poem In Your Pocket” day, something I’d never heard of until tonight. Since the object of our conversation had been the seemingly endless and […]

When Did Environmental Protection Become New Jersey’s Public Enemy Number One?

Special Guest Commentary

By William Honachefsky Sr., P.L.S., P.P., QEP

The intensity at which the State’s legislators and Governor’s office seem driven to destroy (See especially Senate Bill S3156 and Assembly Bill A4335) or at the least emasculate, 41 years of the State’s hard won environmental protection laws, rules and regulations is not only unsettling, […]