No, not for yourself (although the weather for Sunday looks seasonably cool) but for someone less fortunate. My friend Andrea Proctor, the Resource Interpretive Specialist at Historic Waterloo Village posted this on their Facebook page shortly after I posted the announcement for the Feast on History program to this blog: Waterloo Village We had […]
This is what honesty, hard work, and thoughtful public policy gets you! Congrats Jimmy & Marie – so proud of you guys tonight! Onward, friends!
“Look well to the characters and qualifications of those you elect and raise to office and places of trust.” — Matthias Burnett, Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Norwalk, An Election Sermon, Preached at Hartford, on the Day of the Anniversary Election, May 12, 1803
Byram residents have the right and responsibility to go […]
I just received this press release from my good friends and fellow Byram Township elected officials Jim Oscovitch and Marie Raffay, and I am thrilled beyond words. Two of the most honest, sincere, hard working people you could ever meet! I’m proud to call them my friends and look forward to supporting their efforts in […]
“…the river is a toxic disgrace that needs to be cleaned up. ‘It’s government at its worst,’ she said.” — New York Times, July 12, 2009
Ella Filippone(1935-2013)
I’m going to get right to the point here. That’s how Ella would have wanted it.
Ella Filippone was one tough broad, not afraid to […]
“…I’m not going to see this again.”
For me, these 30 seconds say as much about the man as his entire 18-minute Inaugural speech. And the speech was incredible!
His face goes from pensive to a glowing, knowing smile with a twinkle in his eyes. Watch.
“You and I, as citizens, have the power […]
America, we are better than this. Watch the video below, then join by going here to sign on.
Also, follow the Brady Campaign on Twitter, and like them on Facebook. Because they want an America free of gun violence. They educate about the dangers of guns in homes. They honor victims and advocate for […]
Special Guest Commentary
By William Honachefsky Sr., P.L.S., P.P., QEP
The intensity at which the State’s legislators and Governor’s office seem driven to destroy (See especially Senate Bill S3156 and Assembly Bill A4335) or at the least emasculate, 41 years of the State’s hard won environmental protection laws, rules and regulations is not only unsettling, […]