Musconetcong Watershed Association’s Annual “Meet the River” – July 26, 2014, Byram Township

Join us for the 7th annual environmental education event for children (and adults!), to be presented by the Musconetcong Watershed Association on Saturday, July 26, 2014.

Byram Township’s Riverside Park. Photo by Beth Styler Barry. (Click to enlarge)

Come out and get your feet wet! Byram “Meet the River”

Date: Saturday, July 26, […]

Sounds of the summer night…

This little guy was hanging out on my deck rail this morning, bothering the Carolina Wrens who normally only wake me with their scolding of the neighbor’s cat when it is on the prowl. Having no clue what it was, I posted this picture up on Twitter for resident insect expert @AboutInsects to take a […]

Summer: The Sunflower Season

Despite the damaging hail and summer storms, the sunflower crop at Roseville Community Garden is doing well, keeping the pollinators happy. Because sunflowers “do it” with a little help from their friends! Here are a few photos taken before an afternoon thunderstorm on July 23, 2012.


Garden Update: Garden 2.0, Post-Storm Reboot

In light of the damage done to Plot 63 at Roseville Community Garden by the July 18th hail-storm, I replanted about half the area of the garden on the afternoon of Sunday, July 22. A chance to “reboot” the plot, take advantage of some of the things I learned already this year, and salvage the […]

Garden Update: Getting dirty without feeling guilty

Gardening is about enjoying the smell of things growing in the soil, getting dirty without feeling guilty, and generally taking the time to soak up a little peace and serenity. ~Lindley Karstens

Plot 63, Roseville Community Garden on July 14, 2012. Day 56 since planting.

[Note: I started this post on Monday, July […]

Garden Update: Some like it hot.

Summer has set in with its usual severity. ~Samuel Taylor Coleridge

July? July? Where did June go? With the weather we’ve had the last few weeks, you could almost convince me it’s August already! Daily high and low temperatures are averaging 5-15 degrees above normal, and have caused an explosion of growth in the garden. […]