Byram Township Voters – Be Informed for the Upcoming Election

Carlos Luaces… a definite NO vote in my opinion.

This post is intended to encourage Byram voters to research the four candidates vying for election to the Township’s three vacant council seats. Then commit yourself to getting out and making an informed decision with your vote on November 5. Having served over 12 years […]

Two words: Freakin’ awesome!

This is what honesty, hard work, and thoughtful public policy gets you! Congrats Jimmy & Marie – so proud of you guys tonight! Onward, friends!

In Byram Township, a clear choice on November 5th

“Look well to the characters and qualifications of those you elect and raise to office and places of trust.” — Matthias Burnett, Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Norwalk, An Election Sermon, Preached at Hartford, on the Day of the Anniversary Election, May 12, 1803

Byram residents have the right and responsibility to go […]

It’s crunch time in Byram Township

Oscovitch & Raffay for Byram Township Home page

There’s an important election coming up here in my home town, and I’m proudly, strongly supporting my two friends, incumbent Mayor Jim Oscovitch and incumbent Deputy Mayor Marie Raffay. While they each have two competitors, there is no other candidate who even comes close to […]

If elections have consequences, shouldn’t NOT participating in them have consequences too?

DiMeo voting record, a PUBLIC document(Click image to embiggen)

Giovanni DiMeo is running for the Byram Township Council. Yet since moving to Byram in October of 2009, he has never voted in a Township Municipal election, or Board of Education Election.


In fact looking at his voter profile (a public document obtained […]