It’s been a rainy, damp week at the garden, and the fall crops of carrots, radishes, beets and lettuce seem to be liking it this way. With a much warmer week forecast, I think they’ be growing fast & happy! The tomatoes […]
It’s been a rainy, damp week at the garden, and the fall crops of carrots, radishes, beets and lettuce seem to be liking it this way. With a much warmer week forecast, I think they’ be growing fast & happy! The tomatoes […] It’s been a busy Labor Day weekend so far, and it’s only Sunday. I’ve haven’t managed a lot of ‘lounging around’ due to garden and yard work, and have to run out right now to gather up canning supplies for many, many more jars of […] Here are some more fine looking flowers that are blooming in my friend Katie’s Monarch Waystation plot (registered with Monarch Watch) at Roseville Community Garden. It’s rapidly becoming a pollinator’s paradise, as you can see from the bees on some of these pictures and pictures from a prior post, Flowers of Summer, Part 1. Among from the garden plots chock full of herbs and vegetables, my friend Katie has planted a Monarch Waystation garden, and with the warm summer rains it has sprung to life. Check out these images I took last night. |