New Jersey Highlands News in financial drought

Good day, Highlanders.

It’s that time again. You know, that moment that I dread every year: “How in the heck am I going to keep the New Jersey Highlands News project alive for another year while paying my mortgage and other bills?”

Sadly, funding is again looking scarce for this project, so for the […]

Wrongs done in the darkness of ignorance and unbelief

April 29, 2012 By Scott Olson

“The wrongs done to trees, wrongs of every sort, are done in the darkness of ignorance and unbelief, for when the light comes, the heart of the people is always right.” –John Muir

This past year has seemed hellish for many of us involved with the protection of the […]

Do you live in New Jersey and drink water?

If so, this video is something you should watch. Now. If you don’t live in New Jersey (or don’t drink water) watch it anyway.

From our friends at the New Jersey Highlands Coalition. I can’t say it enough: Everybody benefits from clean water!

NJ Highlands Council a Good Ol’ Boys Club: An Open Letter

Dear NJ Sierra Club, NJ Highlands Coalition and anyone else opposing the bad New Jersey Highlands Council nominees:

Thank you for putting out your action alerts regarding the terrible nominations made by Governor Christie to the New Jersey Highlands Council. (See here and here if you have not already done so). I suggest anyone concerned […]