It’s been a rainy, damp week at the garden, and the fall crops of carrots, radishes, beets and lettuce seem to be liking it this way. With a much warmer week forecast, I think they’ be growing fast & happy! The tomatoes […]
It’s been a rainy, damp week at the garden, and the fall crops of carrots, radishes, beets and lettuce seem to be liking it this way. With a much warmer week forecast, I think they’ be growing fast & happy! The tomatoes […] It’s been a busy Labor Day weekend so far, and it’s only Sunday. I’ve haven’t managed a lot of ‘lounging around’ due to garden and yard work, and have to run out right now to gather up canning supplies for many, many more jars of […] And the plants just keep on growing! Another week of major garden harvests! And another week of good growth for the fall planted crops. On Saturday, all the beans, beets, carrots, kohlarbi, lettuce, radishes, and squash are sprouted and growing strong. Just nine weeks until […] Here are some more fine looking flowers that are blooming in my friend Katie’s Monarch Waystation plot (registered with Monarch Watch) at Roseville Community Garden. It’s rapidly becoming a pollinator’s paradise, as you can see from the bees on some of these pictures and pictures from a prior post, Flowers of Summer, Part 1. I finally got some good pictures of my two newest neighbors at Roseville Community Garden today. A very colorful couple, dressed in the spirit of Independence Day. Enjoy! Among from the garden plots chock full of herbs and vegetables, my friend Katie has planted a Monarch Waystation garden, and with the warm summer rains it has sprung to life. Check out these images I took last night. The herd at Roseville Community Garden arrived back in the lower fields surrounding the garden, after spending the first months of the season in the upper meadow while the new barns and fencing were being constructed. While they seem wary of gardeners now, it won’t be long until they are mooching anxiously at the fence […] |