links and information on the PSE&G 'Susquehanna-Roseland Project'
image and .pdf files | links of interest | government contact information
image, video and .pdf files
PSE&G Presentation to Montville Township on July 15, 2008.
Byram Township received notification (click here to view) August 11, 2008 from PSE&G of the final route choice of Route B for the Susquehanna-Roseland Project.
Byram Township received a letter (click here to view) on August 15, 2008 stating PSE&G's intent to soon begin contacting property owners for access to property to perform surveys regarding civil, cultural, environmental and geological work, as well as appraisals if additional property acquisition is necessary.
Byram Township received a letter (click here to view) on September 23, 2008 outlining PSE&G's Highlands' Applicability Determination filing with NJ DEP.
Montville Township's Committee passed a resolution on September 23, 2008 regarding the proposed PSE&G project through their town.
Barbara Nevins Taylor My9TV News report from September 23, 2008, an investigative report on PSE&G power line project and its impact on communities along the route.
Coalition of environmental groups (ByramCARES, Environment New Jersey, New Jersey, Conservation Foundation, New Jersey Environmental Federation, New Jersey Highlands Coalition, New Jersey Sierra Club, Stop The Lines) letter to PSE&G on October 23, 2008 regarding details of proposed Susquehanna-Roseland project.
Press releases from coalition of environmental groups and coalition of municipalities (Andover, Byram, East Hanover, Fredon, Montville and Parsippany-Troy Hills Townships) from October 28, 2008 press conference in Montville, NJ regarding PSE&G's intent to bypass municipal review and go directly to BPU for approval, which resulted in a front page story in the Daily Record.
PSE&G's press release dated November 6, 2008 announcing their intent to bypass municipal approval and go directly to the NJ Board of Public Utilities, plus four "workshop" public sessions in December in Morris and Sussex Counties.
PSE&G President Ralph LaRossa's letter of response to municipal officials dated November 10, 2008 in rebuttal to a letter from environmental groups dated October 23, 2008.
Press release from the environmental groups' November 18, 2008 event at Splitrock Reservoir regarding PSE&G's Highlands Applicability Determination application with NJ DEP, which resulted in front page stories from the Daily Record and New Jersey Herald.
Byram Township's letter to the NJ Board of Public Utilities (BPU), dated November 26, 2008, objecting to PSE&G's plan to bypass the Byram Township Land Use Board and make application directly to NJ BPU for the Susquehanna-Roseland Project.
Jefferson Township's resolution of December 3, 2008 opposing PSE&G's bypassing municipal approval and making application directly to the NJ Board of Public Utilities for the Susquehanna-Roseland Project.
Byram Township's letter to the NJ Department of Environmental Protection regarding PSE&G's Highlands Applicability Determination application for the Susquehanna-Roseland Project, dated December 5, 2008 - also containing comments submitted November 14, 2008.
The December 11, 2008 edition of WRNJ Radio's "Newsline" with Joyce Estey featured Dave Slaperud of Stop The Lines and Byram Township Councilman Scott Olson (click here) for the first half hour of the show, discussing the PSE&G Susquehanna-Roseland Project.
Fredon Township's resolution of December 22, 2008 opposing PSE&G's bypassing municipal approval and making application directly to the NJ Board of Public Utilities for the Susquehanna-Roseland Project.
Power Points At Issue: The Proposed Power Line Expansion in Sussex County Two guests opinion columns from the December 28, 2008 New Jersey Herald. "Upgraded line needed to ease energy traffic jam" by PSE&G President Ralph LaRossa and "Jersey needs relief, yes, but PSE&G needs to show options" by Byram Councilman Scott Olson.
Viewshed maps showing visual impact (Adobe Acrobat pdf files) of current electric towers, visual impact of proposed towers, increase in visual impact only, and other information from the New York/New Jersey Trail Conference as submitted to the NJ DEP and NJ Highlands Council in comment to PSE&G's Highlands Applicability Determination.
- Viewshed map 1 showing visual impact of current electric towers
- Viewshed map 2 showing visual impact of proposed towers
- Viewshed map 3 showing increase in visual impact only
- Map explanation
PSE&G's "Caution: Blackouts Ahead" scare-tactic advertorial from the Thursday, January 15, 2009 Opinion/Editorial pages of the Newark Star-Ledger.
Byram Township's January 20, 2009 resolution to the NJ Highlands Council regarding PSE&G's Highlands Applicability Determination application, supporting the Highlands Council staff's findings of inconsistency with the Highlands Act and RMP. Also contains comments submitted November 14, 2008.
Byram Township's January 23, 2009 letter to the NJ Board of Public Utilities regarding the overwhelming size and scope of PSE&G's application, requesting additional time for the Township to hire professionals to scrutinize these plans and escrow funds from the applicant (PSE&G) to pay for these professionals.
Riverbank Sparta, LLC's application filed January 19, 2009 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for their underground hydroelectric plant in the Limecrest Quarry. There will be new 500kv lines added along a new route from the quarry to a substation in Newton, then along the existing "Susquehanna-Roseland" corridor to the new, proposed Jefferson Township substation. Click here for the map of routing.
The Highlands Council's Project Review web page, including PSE&G's January 30, 2009 response to the Highlands Consistency Determination Review draft. Note that this file is over 6.5MB in size.
PSE&G's January 30, 2009 response to the NJ Board of Public Utilities regarding Byram Township's January 23, 2009 letter on the overwhelming size and scope of PSE&G's application, requesting additional time for the Township to hire professionals to scrutinize these plans and escrow funds from the applicant (PSE&G) to pay for these professionals.
NJ Board of Public Utilities response to Byram Township's January 23, 2009 letter regarding the overwhelming size and scope of PSE&G's application, requesting additional time for the Township to hire professionals to scrutinize these plans and escrow funds from the applicant (PSE&G) to pay for these professionals.
Jefferson Township's resolution of February 4, 2009 expressing their intent to formally join a "Coalition of Concerned Municipalities" regarding the PSE&G Susquehanna-Roseland project.
Opinion: Sparta’s “green” power project isn’t A guest blog entry at on Friday, February 6th, 2009, by Scott Olson regarding the Riverbank Sparta, LLC hydro proposal at the Limecrest Quarry.
PSE&G Response to Intervention Motions April 15, 2009
PSE&G Response to Escrow Motions April 15, 2009
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) Procedural Order, Docket #EM09010035 dated April 27, 2009 granting rights approval to intervene to all parties making motion, and directing PSE&G to negotiate escrow amounts with intervening parties.
Parsippany's attorney letter of April 30, 2009 to PSE&G regarding inappropriate contact with municipalities regarding escrows, bypassing attorneys.
Parsippany's attorney letter of April 30, 2009, requesting an initial discovery deadline extension due to delayed ruling on granting of escrow.
Photos along the Susquehanna-Roseland Project route
Coming soon!!!PSE&G Maps and Information
PSE&G has an information page on the choice of "Susquehanna-Roseland Project" online at and a broad map of the entire route is located at, at the time this was written, the full route map pdf provided by PSE&G has bad internal links to the individual tiles of detailed maps, with actual GIS overlays with individual parcels marked. Below are the locations of the individual, detailed tile files from the bigger map (Tile 1 being the Delaware Water Gap, Tiles 4-5-6-7 being Fredon-Newton-Andover-Byram-Sparta, leading down to Tile 19 being the terminus in Roseland.)
(Note: These are very large Adobe Acrobat files and may take some time to download and/or open in your browser.) of interest
Save by using compact fluorescents! Did you know that lighting comprises nearly 20 percent of the electric energy we use in our homes? By installing ENERGY STAR-qualified compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFL), you can help reduce your electric costs and overall demand, since CFLs use approximately 25 percent of the electricity of similar incandescent bulbs. Click here to learn more,
Local and state-wide activist groups, including ByramCARES, Delaware Riverkeeper Network, Environment New Jersey, New Jersey Environmental Federation, New Jersey Highlands Coalition, New Jersey Sierra Club and Stop The Lines have been organizing and working hard to address this project. If you are a member of any or all of these groups, thank you for your help. If you are not, consider joining them and supporting the good work they are doing for all of us.
One of the biggest concerns is the health and safety of our children and ourselves, and for those of you not aware of a concept called the precautionary principle (click here for a definition, courtesy of Dr. Peter Montague and the Environmental Research Foundation), it basically states the following:"When an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the environment,
precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect
relationships are not fully established scientifically.In this context the proponent of an activity, rather than the public, should
bear the burden of proof.The process of applying the Precautionary Principle must be open, informed
and democratic and must include potentially affected parties. It must also
involve an examination of the full range of alternatives, including no action."Aside from questioning the need for this massive and expensive infrastructure project, the precautionary principle is the strongest argument we can make for protecting our health. It would be good to begin familiarizing ourselves with it.
PSE&G has recently updated their "Susquehanna-Roseland Reliability Project" web page. Included on that page is a link to "Learn more about the Susquehanna-Roseland project. View the informational video" which is a mini-infomercial on increased power consumption that - SURPRISE - does not even mention "energy conservation." Granted, there is one vague reference to "promoting conservation" when speaking about protecting the environment and visually showing work on the Cohansey River Watershed Wetland Restoration Site. But wouldn't the visuals of over-loaded wall sockets and extensions be the PERFECT opportunity to call out the fact that we all need to be more conscientious about our electric usage?
The root of all power line evil: National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors and Congestion Study
This Web site is the online center for public information and involvement in the designation of National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors (National Corridors) and the National Transmission Congestion Study (Congestion Study).
New Jersey's Clean Energy Program
The New Jersey Clean Energy Program promotes increased energy efficiency and the use of clean, renewable sources of energy including solar, wind, geothermal, and sustainable biomass. The results for New Jersey are a stronger economy, less pollution, lower costs, and reduced demand for electricity. NJCEP offers financial incentives, programs, and services for residential, commercial, and municipal customers.
Want to know more about energy conservation? Go to the ENERGY STAR web site and while you are there, take the ENERGY STAR pledge and do your part to further reduce energy demand and global warming.
Barbara Nevins Taylor My9TV News Report of September 23, 2008
Investigative report on PSE&G power line project.
Electric power transmission
Article on electric power transmission ( perhaps a "more than you'd ever care to know" moment!) on Wikipedia.
500kv-line opened under load
You want to see 500kV in action? Click the link above. (Susquehanna-Roseland, New Jersey portion)
We are asking our local representatives to urge PSE&G to please put this project on hold until more studies can be done to assure the safety of our citizens. We are also hopeful that PSE&G will look at other options we do not see the need for more power to be brought across our lands, and cannot understand why PSE&G doesn’t look at other alternative options and live up to the “green” and “citizen friendly” standards that they claim to live by. (Susquehanna-Roseland, Pennsylvania portion of the un-chosen "Route C" option for this project)
We are an all-volunteer group of concerned residents, landowners, business owners, and friends in eastern Pennsylvania. We have come together in a true grassroots effort in opposition to a proposed high-voltage transmission line by PPL. This proposed line will begin in Berwick, Pennsylvania and end in Roseland, New Jersey with the sole intention of exporting power to New Jersey and New York. We believe that there will be no benefit locally in Northampton or Lehigh Counties.
Pennsylvania Land Trust Association
A wonderful web page of resources and links on the Pennsylvania/PPL portion of the Susquehanna-Roseland Project.
Piedmont Environmental Council
PEC works toward energy solutions that emphasize efficiency first, use appropriate technologies for the 21st Century and respect the scenic and historic character of the Virginia Piedmont. Read their "Opposition to the 500-kV Transmission Line" page.
Who is "Stop the Towers"? We are an all-volunteer group of concerned residents, landowners, business owners, and friends in southwestern Pennsylvania. We have come together in a true grassroots effort in opposition to a proposed high-voltage transmission line by Allegheny Power. This proposed line will begin in Washington County, Pennsylvania and end in Loundon County, Virginia. We believe that there will be no benefit locally in Washington or Greene Counties. For a better understanding of how we came together, read our White Pages document that we put together in February, 2007.
YouTube Video "Folks Worried About High Tension Power Lines"
Fluorescent tubes light up by themselves under hi-voltage wires.
EMF: Richard Box's Graphic Demonstrations
Are EMFs harmful? Are WiFi routers and cellphones frying our brains? While the scientific consensus in North America suggests we need not worry, the art of Richard Box gives us serious pause. Box takes several thousand fluorescent tubes and "plants" them under power lines. "The piece is simple yet spectacular, making visible what would otherwise go unnoticed. The FIELD of tubes will flicker in to life across the hillside as the early evening light fades. The performance each evening is hard to anticipate as the daily operation of the electricity supply will differ and is always dependent on the weather."
ELF Policies Worldwide - Protection of General Public
A World Health Organization PowerPoint presentation, "Developing and Implementing Protective Measures for ELF EMF WHO Workshop, 20-21 June 2007, Geneva."
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Information on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF) Radiation from Power Lines
Electric and magnetic fields (EMF) are invisible lines of force that surround any electrical device that is plugged in and turned on. EMF are made up of waves of electric and magnetic energy moving together (radiating) through space. Electric fields are produced by electric charges and magnetic fields are produced by the flow of current through wires or electrical devices.
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Electric & Magnetic Fields
Informative PDF files of studies on electromagnetic fields.
Press Release: Serious Public Health Concerns Raised Over Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) from Powerlines and Cell Phones. An international working group of scientists, researchers and public health policy professionals (The BioInitiative Working Group) has released its report on electromagnetic fields (EMF) and health. They document serious scientific concerns about current limits regulating how much EMF is allowable from power lines, cell phones, and many other sources of EMF exposure in daily life.
The report concludes the existing standards for public safety are inadequate to protect public health. Click here for the full BioInitiative Report
Electro Magnetic Radiation Policy Institute
The Mission of The EMR Policy Institute is to foster a better understanding of the environmental and human biological effects from exposure to electro-magnetic radiation. Their goal is to work at the federal, state and international levels to foster appropriate, unbiased research and to create better cooperation between federal regulatory agencies with a stake in public health in order to mitigate unnecessary exposures that may be deemed to be hazardous.
A small group of knowledgeable engineers and scientists in the U.K., Powerwatch is a non-profit independent organisation with a central role in the UK Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Radiation health debate. We work closely with decision-makers in government and business, and with other like-minded groups, promoting policies for a safer environment.
Guide to Electromagnetic Field Surveys:
A Recommended EMF Measurement Procedure
This paper discusses a recommended procedure for performing electromagnetic field (EMF) or electro-magnetic radiation EMR measurements either by engaging a professional or by consumers using low-cost instruments which measure EMF exposure levels in gauss or milligauss.
A Ruling Allows Damages for Fear of High-Voltage Power Lines
Landowners whose property is seized for construction of high-voltage power lines can collect damages if the value of the rest of their property falls because of public fears about safety, New York State's highest court ruled unanimously yesterday.The State Court of Appeals said owners seeking compensation did not need to present scientific proof that power lines pose a health risk. But the judges said that "claimants must still establish some prevalent perception" that power lines were the reason their land was worth less. (Click here to read entire story)
Childhood cancer in relation to distance from high voltage power lines in England and Wales: a case-control study
Conclusions There is an association between childhood leukaemia and proximity of home address at birth to high voltage power lines, and the apparent risk extends to a greater distance than would have been expected from previous studies. About 4% of children in England and Wales live within 600 m of high voltage lines at birth. If the association is causal, about 1% of childhood leukaemia in England and Wales would be attributable to these lines, though this estimate has considerable statistical uncertainty.
Brodeur Testifies Before Nebraska Legislature
Provides Evidence that Power Line EMF’s Cancer Link is Conclusive
Award-winning author Paul Brodeur was asked by the EMF citizen activists group POWER (People Organized for Wise Energy Representation) to address the Natural Resources Committee of the Nebraska State Legislature on February 8, 1995 in connection with a proposed 96 mile, 345,000 volt electric transmission line. This page is a transcript of Mr. Brodeur's testimony.
High Voltage Power Lines - How Safe Are They?
The largest study yet of electricity and cancer found no solid evidence that living near high-voltage lines causes childhood leukemia, as some have feared.Editor Comment: As indicated above, these studies are inconclusive. However, we still feel it is safer to err on the side of caution and will continue to warn transferring families about potential risks of buying a home near high-voltage power lines.
A battle over high-voltage power line hazards has returned to the Legislature, this time with a call for limits on electromagnetic fields - limits that utilities vow to fight.Research done by at least one major university and by state health officials, including one in Washington, has linked some incidents of cancer to exposure to electromagnetic fields, but experts say the results don't conclusively show the fields are harmful.
government contact information
Andover Township | Boonton Township | Byram Township | East Hanover Township | Fredon Township | Hardwick Township | Jefferson Township | Kinnelon Borough | Montville Township | Newton Township | Parsippany-Troy Hills Township | Rockaway Township | Roseland Borough | Sparta Township | Stillwater Township
Contact your elected officials, or attend an upcoming municipal meetings to speak out on your concerns. (Please note: Officials, contact info, and meeting schedules as they appear on municipal web sites 1/10/10. Please verify dates and times with municipality before attending meetings.)
Andover Township: 973-383-4280
Township Committee meets 2nd and 4th Mondays at 7:30 pm (except legal holidays)
Tom Walsh, Mayor -
Phil Boyce -
Michael Lensak -
Gail Phoebus -
Bob Smith -
Boonton Township: 973-402-4012
Township Committee meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 8:00 pm; workshop meeting once a month, generally on the Wednesday preceding the first regular meeting of the month at 7:00 pm.
Thomas Donadio, Chairman
Paul Allieri
William Klingener
Michele Rankin
Robert Rizzo
Send email through Barbara Shepard, Township Administrator:Byram Township: 973-347-2500
Township Council meets 1st and 3rd Mondays at 7:30 pm (except legal holidays)
James Oscovitch, Mayor - 973-691-1516 -
Scott Olson - 973-726-8867 -
Marie Raffay - 973-347-7303 -
Daniel Rafferty - 973-347-5369 -
Brian Thompson - 973-219-0398 -East Hanover Township: 973-428-3000
Township Council meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month, at 7:00 pm
Joseph Pannullo, Mayor
Stephen DeRosa- Council President
Carolyn Jandoli -
Robert Jocher
Angelo Tedesco
Other email can be sent through the Clerk's office -Fredon Township: 973-383-7025
Township Committee meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 7:30 pm (except legal holidays)
James McCracken, Mayor - 973-300-9541
Sandra Coltelli - 973-579-7592
Carl Lazzaro - 973-383-7624
John Richardson, Sr. - 973-222-8196
Anthony Thonnerieux - 973-300-4099Hardwick Township: 908-362-6528
Township Committee meets 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm and 4th Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm
Kevin Duffy, Mayor 908-362-6528 X 5
Alfred Carrazzone - 908-362-6037
James Perry - 908-362-5555Jefferson Township: 973-208-6102
Township Council generally meets on Wednesday at 7:30 pm; for a schedule go to
Russell Felter, Mayor -
Richard Yocum, Council President - 973-409-4295 -
Robert Birmingham - 973-697-2021 -
Brooke Hardy - 973-697-2348 -
Debi Merz - 973-697-4372 -
Michael Sanchelli - 973-208-8797 -Kinnelon Borough: 973-838-5401
Borough Council meets 3rd Thursday of each month at 8:00 pm
Glenn L. Sisco, Mayor
Robert W. Collins, Council President
Stephen Cobell
James Freda
Ronald Mondello
Dan O'Dougherty
Andrew SanFillipo
No additional contact information available onlineMontville Township: 973-331-3304
Township Committee meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 8:00 pm.
Deborah Nielson, Mayor - 973-335-6694 - email form
Tim Braden - 973-299-8107- email form
Art Daughtry - 973-335-2731 - email form
Don Kostka - 973-331-3304 - email form
James Sandham, Jr. C.P.A. - 973-331-9476 - email formNewton Township: 973-383-3521
Township Committee meets 2nd and 4th Mondays at 7:00 pm for regular meetings, 1st Monday at 7:00 pm for workshop sessions (except legal holidays)
E. Kevin Elvidge, Mayor
Kristen Becker
Helen Le Frois
Joseph Ricciardo
Thea Unhoch
Email contact form: Hills Township: 973-263-4350
Township Council generally meets on Tuesdays at 7:30 pm.
James R. Barberio, Mayor -
Ann F. Grossi, Council President
John Cesaro
Michael J. dePierro
John M. Fox
Brian StantonRockaway Township: 973-627-7200
Township Council hold a Regular Council Meeting on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 8:00 pm and a Conference Meeting on the last Tuesday of the month at 8:00 pm. For the schedule, go to
Louis S. Sceusi, Mayor - 973-983-2800 - email form
Ward 1 - Michael Dachisen - H: 973-989-1390
Ward 2 - John J. Quinn - H: 973-328-0690
Ward 3 - Frank Berman - H: 973-625-5354
Ward 4 - Alexander Gellman - H: 973-586-0172
Ward 5 - David Press - H: 973-625-9354
Ward 6 - Stephen Antonelli - C: 973-983-9085
Council-At-Large - Max Rogers - C: 201-919-8002
Council-At-Large - Paul Minnena - H: 973-659-9655
Council-At-Large - John DiMaria, Jr. - H: 973-627-8335
Email for for all Council membersRoseland Borough: 973-226-8080
The Borough Council meets for three times a month for Committee, Caucus, and Council sessions.
John Arvanites, Mayor - 973-403-6022 -
Diane Christiana, Council President - 973-403-0681 -
John Duthie - 973-226-8080 (Borough) -
David B. Jacobs - 973-226-8080 (Borough) -
Sean McGovern - 973-287- 6049 -
Thomas M. Moore - 973-228-6684 -
Michelle Tolli - 973-228-6512 -Sparta Township: 973-729-4493
Township Council meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 7:30 pm
Scott K. Seelagy, Mayor -
Gilbert A. Gibbs -
Jerry J. Murphy -
John E. Schon -
Molly Ann Whilesmith -Stillwater Township: 973-383-9484
Township Committee meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00 pm for regular meetings, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 5:00 pm for workshop sessions
William Morrison, Mayor - 973-579-6351 -
Charles Gross - 973-383-1796
Joseph Connor - 973-383-9484
Timmy Fisher - 973-948-5894
George Scott - 973-579-5080LOCAL | COUNTY | STATE | FEDERAL
Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders
Morris County Administration & Records Building
P.O. Box 900
Morristown, NJ 07963-0900
Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders
One Spring Street
Newton, NJ 07860
Elaine Morgan
Clerk, Board of Freeholders
Warren County Board of Chosen Freeholders
Wayne Dumont, Jr. Admin. Bldg.
165 County Road, 519 South
White Twp., New Jersey 07823-1949
Board of Public Utilities Commissioners
New Jersey Board of Public Utilities
Two Gateway Center
8th Floor
Newark, New Jersey 07102
800-624-0241Robert Martin,
Commissioner, NJ Department of Environmental Protection
401 East State Street, 7th Floor East Wing
P.O. Box 402, Trenton, NJ 08625-0402
(609) 292-2885Governor Chris Christie
Office of the Governor,
P.O. Box 001, Trenton, NJ 08625
(609) 292-6000
District 23 - Hardwick Township
Senator MICHAEL J. DOHERTY Republican
District Office: 127 Belvidere Ave., 2nd Floor, Washington, NJ 07882 (908) 835-0552Assembly JOHN DIMAIO Republican
District Office: 1001 County Route 517, Suite 3, Hackettstown, NJ 07840 (908) 684-9550Assembly ERIK PETERSON Republican
District Office: 23 Royal Road, Flemington, NJ 08822-6001 (908) 237-4694
Email your representatives:
District 24 - Andover Township, Byram Township, Fredon Township, Newton Town, Sparta Township, Stillwater Township
Senator STEVEN V. OROHO Republican
District Office: 115 Demarest Rd., Suite 2B, Sparta, NJ 07871 (973) 300-0200Assemblyman GARY R. CHIUSANO Republican
District Office: 115 Demarest Rd., Suite 2B, Sparta, NJ 07871 (973) 300-0200Assemblywoman ALISON LITTELL MCHOSE Republican
District Office: 115 Demarest Rd., Suite 2B, Sparta, NJ 07871 (973) 300-0200Email your representatives:
District 25 - Boonton Township, Jefferson Township, Rockaway Township
Senator ANTHONY R. BUCCO Republican
District Office: 75 Bloomfield Ave., Suite 302, 3rd Floor, Denville, NJ 07834 (973) 627-9700Assemblyman MICHAEL PATRICK CARROLL Republican
District Office: 20 South St., Suite 2B, Morristown, NJ 07960 (973) 539-8113Assemblyman RICHARD A. MERKT Republican
District Office: 12 Old Brookside Rd., Randolph, NJ 07869 (973) 895-9100Email your representatives:
District 26 - East Hanover Township, Kinnelon Borough, Montville Township, Parsippany Troy Hills Township
Senator JOSEPH PENNACCHIO Republican
District Office: 101 Gibraltar Dr., Suite 1-A, Morris Plains, NJ 07950 (973) 984-0922Assemblyman ALEX DECROCE Republican
District Office: 101 Gibraltar Dr., Suite 1-A, Morris Plains, NJ 07950 (973) 984-0922Assemblyman JAY WEBBER Republican
District Office: 101 Gibraltar Dr., Suite 1-A, Morris Plains, NJ 07950 (973) 984-0922Email your representatives:
District 27 - Roseland Borough
Senator RICHARD J. CODEY Democrat
District Office: 449 Mount Pleasant Ave., West Orange, NJ 07052 (973) 731-6770Assemblywoman MILA M. JASEY Democrat
District Office: 15 Village Plaza, Suite 1B, South Orange, NJ 07079 (973) 762-1886Assemblyman JOHN F. MCKEON Democrat
District Office: 4 Sloan St., Suite D & E, South Orange, NJ 07079 (973) 275-1113Email your representatives:
Paul Flanagan
Litigation Manager
Department of the Public Advocate
Division of Rate Counsel
31 Clinton St., 11th Floor
Newark, NJ 07101
973-648-7217Department of the Public Advocate
240 West State Street, 16th Floor
P.O. Box 851
Trenton, N.J. 08625
(609) 826-5090
Fax: (609) 984-4747
Eileen Swan,
Executive Director, NJ Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council
100 North Road(Route 513)
Chester, New Jersey 07930
(908) 879-6737
Fax: (908) 879 4205Jack Schrier,
Acting Chairman, NJ Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council
100 North Road (Route 513)
Chester, New Jersey 07930
(908) 879-6737
Fax: (908) 879 4205
Senator Frank Lautenberg
Newark Office One Gateway Center, Twenty-Third Floor, Newark, NJ 07102
Phone: (973) 639-8700, Toll Free: 1-888-398-1642, Fax: (973) 639-8723Washington, DC - Hart Senate Office Building, Suite 324, Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-3224, TTY: (202) 224-2087, Fax: (202) 228-405Email:
Senator Robert Menendez
Washington, DC - 317 Senate Hart Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510
202.224.4744, 202.228.2197 faxNewark Office One Gateway Center, Suite 1100, Newark, New Jersey 07102
973.645.3030, 973.645.0502 faxEmail:
Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen
Washington, DC - 2442 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3011
(202) 225-5034
Open: Mon. - Fri., 9am to 5:30pmMorristown, NJ - 30 Schuyler Place, Second Floor, Morristown, NJ 07960
(973) 984-0711
Open: Mon. - Fri., 9am to 5pmEmail:
Congressman Scott Garrett
Washington, DC - 318 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-4465, fax: (202) 225-9048Western District Office - 93 Main Street Newton, NJ 07860
(973) 300-2000 Fax: (973) 300-1051Email:
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